Running My First Interval Workout

Runner's legs and feet stretched out on the ground.

A couple weeks ago, I started a training block aimed at improving my 5k time. For the first two weeks, my focus was on developing top end speed through repetition workouts – short intervals with long periods of rest. Now that I’m in the third week, it’s time to start transitioning to longer intervals and … Read more

Making Progress: Comparing Speed Workouts

A watch is a great way to track your speed workouts.

Last week, I ventured down to the Orange Reservoir Loop for my first speed workout. Today, I ran the same workout again. I did the same 5x320m intervals with 320m easy recovery jogs. By keeping everything the same, I’m able to compare the two workouts and see if I’m making progress. Happily, I am. Comparing … Read more

Doing My First Speed Workout

Running track for speed work training.

This week, I started my winter training block focused on lowering my 5k time. And that meant that today was my first speed workout. Other than it being fairly cold, things worked out well. I enjoyed it, it felt good, and I’m looking forward to a few more of these throughout Phase 1. Dealing with … Read more