2026 Boston Marathon Cutoff Time Tracker

The Tableau dashboard below collects data from marathons, tracks the number of finishers who meet their Boston qualifying time, and projects an estimated cutoff time for the 2026 Boston Marathon. It will be updated regularly throughout the year, through the registration period in September 2025. For more details on the data, the assumptions, and other … Read more

Valencia Marathon Revisited: Comparison to Fast Races That Aren’t Majors

Black and white photo of runners in a marathon

Last week, I published a brief analysis of the Valencia Marathon’s field – comparing it to other large races like Berlin, Chicago, and London. The takeaway – the Valencia Marathon has more sub-3:00 finishers than any other race in the world. Drilling down to young men, it has a very high percentage of runners going … Read more

How Fast Were the Finishers At the 2024 Valencia Marathon?

The Valencia Marathon has a reputation for being fast. Still, I was a surprised when I saw a headline that there were over 5,000 runners finishing sub-3:00 at this year’s race. Just how fast was this year’s Valencia Marathon? Most of my data analysis has focused on American marathons, plus the Abbott World Majors. Although … Read more

When the Turkey Trot Was More Than Just a 5k: A Brief History of Marathons On and Around Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, it’s tradition for many runners to participate in a turkey trot. RunSignUp expected about 1,000,000 people to register for a race using their service this year. That’s a lot of turkey trots. In many cases, these races are short. 5k’s are the most popular, but there are a number of variations from the … Read more