Running a Different Kind of Marathon

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I’m training for a marathon this fall. Let me apologize for not updating things lately. I promise I’ll get back to it soon.

But I’ll also be running a different kind of race. I’ve decided to run for Board of Education in my town (West Orange, NJ). Last week, I went through the formal steps to become a candidate – gathering petitions and filing them with the Essex County Clerk.

So in addition to logging lots of miles running in the next couple of months, I’ll be walking around knocking on doors. Let’s just call canvassing another form of cross training. That makes sense, right?

The New Jersey Marathon, which I’m signed up for, is on October 17 and the election isn’t until November 2. So at least for the last two weeks, I won’t be worrying about training and I’ll have more free time for campaigning.

If you want to follow along or support my campaign, you can do so at my website – Brian Rock for West Orange Board of Education.

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