Chicago Marathon Training Week 3: 85 Miles in the Books, Plus Another Solid Long Run

Another week is in the books, and I’m a week closer to the Chicago Marathon. The race is quickly approaching.

This was the third week of my official training block – and the first one at peak mileage (85 miles). It was also another solid(ish) long run and a good Wednesday workout.

Although the weather started out pretty warm, it improved throughout the week. I think we’re almost through the worst of this summer. August will (hopefully) be nicer than July, and before long it’ll be early fall. I can’t wait.

The Plan for the Week

Here’s the plan for the week:

  • Sunday: 18 mile long run, incorporating a T workout
  • Monday: 8 miles easy
  • Tuesday: 8 miles easy in the morning, 5 miles easy in the evening
  • Wednesday: 8 miles easy in the morning, 6 mile workout in the evening
  • Thursday: 8 miles easy
  • Friday: 16 miles easy
  • Saturday: 8 miles easy

And here’s how things went.

Sunday’s Hot, Humid Long Run

The plan for Sunday was an 18 mile long run including a solid T workout.

Initially, I planned on running 2 x 10 minutes at T, followed by an extended block of easy miles, concluding with another 2 x 10 minutes at T. It’s a pretty standard workout from Daniels 2Q, and I like it. Challenging, but not too challenging.

However, it was pretty hot and humid out. The temperature was in the mid 70’s, and the dew point was ~70F. The only saving grace was that it was cloudy.

So I adjusted the T segments from 2 x 10 minutes to 4 x 5 minutes, hoping that the shorter segments would be easier to recover from. I also planned to go a little easy on the T pace. In good conditions, I’d be aiming for ~6:20/mi.

I warmed up with a couple easy miles, and I launched into the first T rep. I started out a little slow, and I averaged 6:45/mi for that rep.

But after a quick one minute rest, I was feeling good. The next rep was 6:30/mi. Two more reps – 6:29/mi. So far so good.

I filled up my water flask as I left the Reservoir, and I ran my usual hilly long run route to downtown Millburn and back. I tried to keep the pace nice and easy, and things felt pretty good. The out and back lasted a little over 8 miles, and I averaged ~8:45/mi.

When I got back to the Reservoir for the final four T reps, I was starting to feel a little tired. But I wasn’t completely wiped out. In fact, I felt a lot better than I thought I might given the heat and humidity.

But I couldn’t hit the paces I had in the beginning of the run. The first rep went ok – 6:51/mi. I managed to speed up slightly for the next rep – 6:45/mi.

But it was downhill from there. The third rep was 6:59/mi, and I was really flagging by the end of it. I tried to push through the fatigue in the final rep, but I could only manage an average of 7:07/mi.

Although I slowed down, I didn’t quit. I had considered it, but I pushed through and finished up. After the final rep, I only had to jog about a half mile to wrap up the 18 miles. When I reached the end, I was completely wiped. I had to stop on the walk home and sit for a few minutes.

In these conditions, I’m a little surprised I finished the full 18 miles. And I’m thrilled with how the beginning went. I wish I’d been able to finish a little stronger … but on a day like today day, I’ll classify this as a successful long run.

Monday on the Trails

Monday morning, I woke up and went for an easy (but long) trail run. Now that I’m hitting peak mileage, easy days are still a full 8 miles.

The first mile or so was pretty slow. To be expected after a hard long run. But after a couple miles, I started to loosen up. My average pace was ~9:10 to 9:20/mi for the second half.

Not too fast, but not too slow, either. Overall time: 1:17:30.

More Easy Trails on Tuesday

Tuesday morning, I again woke up and went for an easy 8 miles on the trails. It was hot – 79 and sunny. But in the shade of the trails, it didn’t feel too bad.

My pace was better today. The first mile or two was still slow as I warmed up. But I quickly settled into a pace of 9:00/mi, give or take a few seconds. I even hit a few miles under 9:00.

Overall time: 1:15:18. On the faster side for this route.

In the evening, I had originally planned on going to a hosted group run with my running club. But the weather was turning, and we got hit by some bad thunderstorms.

The group run got canceled, and I hopped on the treadmill for 5 miles. Uneventful – but felt good.

Workout Wednesday at the Track

As usual, Wednesday was a morning double with an evening team workout at the track.

My morning run was a full 8 miles. I usually keep my morning runs to 6 miles or less if I have a workout in the evening, but I need to push the distance a bit to hit my weekly mileage goal.

The run felt great. Due to the heavy rain, I ran around the paved Reservoir instead of my usual route on the trails. It was cloudy, and I got hit with a little light rain, but otherwise the morning run was fine.

I’m faster when I’m not on the trails, and I finished this run in 1:09 – including a pit stop in the bathroom. After the first couple miles warming up, I averaged ~8:15-8:30/mi.

In the evening, I went to the track for a team workout. I started with a few laps around the track and some drills for a warm up. Then we got down to work.

The workout was a hybrid I / R workout. 5 x 800m at ~5k pace, followed by 5 x 200m at a faster pace.

The first rep was quick. One of the other guys was in the lead, and I was a few paces behind him. Split the half in 2:56. It’s nice being able to latch on to someone and follow them. We took a 400m jog recovery, and at some point the guy in the lead disappeared to use the bathroom or something.

I led the next rep. It’s harder when you’re out front. A little slower, but felt good. Probably just a step or two off because I didn’t have someone to chase. 2:58.

Third rep was a little slower – 3:00. I was starting to get tired at this point, and I thought maybe I had gone out a little fast early on. I took the recovery extra easy, waited for one of the other guys to catch up, and we chatted throughout the jog.

The trend continued with the fourth rep – 3:03. Although the pace isn’t horrible, I was a little annoyed that I was slowing down. I tried to push through with the fifth rep, but I could only hit 3:05. At this point, my legs were feeling quite heavy.

We stood around and chatted for a few minutes before moving on to the 200s. When I started the first one, my legs still felt dead. It took me a while to really get into it. 42 seconds. 60 seconds standing rest before the next one.

Things improved for the rest of the workout. Once I got my legs going, I was able to do a little better on the 200s. The 2nd and 3rd rep were both 40 seconds.

For the last two, I pushed a little harder. Managed to hit both in ~39 seconds.

I liked the workout – especially the little bit of speed at the end. It’s nice to mix in some 200s while you’re marathon training.

But I wasn’t thrilled with how the 800s went. I should have been able to hit all 5 of them under 3 minutes without too much trouble. According to the VDOT calculator, my target time for 800’s at I pace should be ~2:53 to 2:58.

Could be lingering fatigue from Monday. Or the fact that I ran peak mileage this week. Or just an off day.

We’ll see how next week goes.

Thursday: Keeping It Easy

Between the long run, the workout, and the mileage, I’m starting to feel a little worn down. So I was happy that Thursday was nothing more than a simple easy run.

It’s been raining on and off all week, so I still kept off the trails. Instead, I stuck with the paved route at the Reservoir again. Four laps is eight miles – just about my limit before I start getting bored of running in circles.

It was a slow day, but that’s fine. First four miles were all about 9:00. Last four were ~8:30 to 8:45. Not dreadfully slow, but definitely a recovery day.

Friday on the Treadmill

This is becoming something of a trend. I woke up Friday morning, and it was hot and humid. Rather than suffer through 16 miles outside, I gave in and hopped on the treadmill again.

But it went smoothly. I watched a movie (the second Tom Cruise Jack Reacher movie on Netflix), which got me most of the way through. Then I wrapped up with a single episode of Star Wars: Rebels.

The first mile or so, I was a little stiff. But I eased into the pace over the first 20 or 30 minutes, and then I was cruising along. I upped the pace considerably, and I was probably hitting low 8:00’s or high 7:00’s at the end. My treadmill is no longer calibrated (at all), so I can’t confidently say what pace I was hitting.

But it was a faster speed than I typically hit at the end, and I felt really good throughout. My heart rate and breathing were under control. It wasn’t until the last 45 minutes that I even got into the 140’s, and I stayed under ~145 for the entire run.

A solid aerobic effort – not too hard. These midweek long runs are getting easier.

Which means the training is working.

An Easy Saturday Morning On the Rail Trail

I wrapped up the week with the typical easy 8 miles – but a change of scenery,.

We were out of town for the weekend. My family was meeting for a little family reunion of sorts at a campground in central PA (Shawnee State Park). My wife and I were staying at the Hampton Inn in Bedford up the street.

I did my usual scouting when we arrived, and I found a rail trail about a half mile south of the hotel. After a short stint along the highway, I crossed a historic covered bridge to get to the rail trail.

That took me through some beautiful meadows and along a river for two miles or so. Then, I meandered through downtown Bedford and down a path that ran along a country club.

I felt good, and I warmed up quickly. After the first couple miles, I averaged ~8:15/mi. Finish time: ~1:08.

Not blazing fast, but a solid effort for an easy day.

Weekly Reflections

That’s three full weeks down – and I was happy to close the book on this one. Every time I hit peak mileage for the first time, I get a little anxious.

How am I going to feel? Is it going to be too much?

Well, it wasn’t. I made it through pretty strong. I struggled a little at the end of Monday’s long run and during part of Wednesday’s workout.

But neither run was all that concerning – and both had redeeming qualities. On the whole, I’d say it was a very successful week.

I ended on a high note. Friday’s midweek long run went swimmingly, and I felt super strong on my easy run Saturday morning. I’m ready to hit another peak week next week.

And then, I’ll get a bit of a reprieve. Just gotta make it through the next 85 miles.

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