Age Grade Calculator for Marathon Performances – With Alternatives

To use the calculator below, enter the runner’s age in years, select their gender, and enter their finish time in the format H:M:S (i.e. 3:45:42). The results will include: Continue reading below for some additional context. Note: You must enter an age between 20 and 79. The age grades are calculated with the 2025 age … Read more

Where Should You Run? Planning Running Routes for Marathon Training

One of my favorite running routes at the Orange Reservoir. Planning running routes is an important part of marathon training.

Before you get started with marathon training, there’s a simple but important question that you should ask yourself: where should you run? It almost seems silly. I mean, you can run anywhere, right? Well, you can. But it helps to put some thought into planning your regular routes. The choices that you make about where … Read more

How Much Time Does Marathon Training Take? Will It Take Over My Life?

A woman running. She probably spends six to eight hours a week training for a marathon.

A common question among would be marathoners is: How much time does marathon training take? Before taking the plunge, casual runners may look at experienced marathoners and think, “Gee, they spend all their time training! I can’t do that!” True, marathon training is a commitment. Success relies on consistency, and that may mean making some … Read more